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Isn't it a wake-up call for every one?

Updated: Jan 7

It's been 4 months and 1 week, since the Corona virus breakout started.

Approximately 12,63,976 diagnosed cases all over the world! Out of which 2,59,384 recovered and a total of 69,082 people we have lost in the pandemic.


It feels like everything has stopped, and the government is trying its best to help save the lives of people. India is home to approximately 1,387,297,452 people and we hold second position as the most populous Country in the whole world.

During this lockdown, we all read various statements and news where people (including maulanas, ministers, and religious leaders, news channels) are talking things which makes no sense. Which bring me to a question are they really fit to be a leader of any kind? They need to learn to be human first.

In this time of uncertainty and fear. Where many people are away from their loved ones. Many doctors and policemen are not coming home just to avoid infecting their families.

Many have lost their loved ones and we're not even able to do the last rituals.

Stop being so selfish. For once in your life think about others. For once in your life follow what is actually told in religion. To rise above oneself. To serve the humanity.

From those Shaheen bagh ladies to jamaties, then from news channels to opposition leaders... Do you people even know what we have on our doors? Italy, UK, Canada are the countries which are developed, still they are crying and unable to do anything for their people.

The other countries of the world are trying to be human.

But, what some people in India are trying to be? Do you think calling the virus an azab for non muslim brothers or sisters is something which will take you to Jannah. Trust me it's not!

Or calling it a curse on muslims will give you moksha... No It will not!

It's a wake up call to rise above oneself! To think of others. We have already lost so much with the heavy emotion of hate! Lighten up. We all are here as visitors. We own nothing. So, think about leaving good marks not something which your future generations will hate you and curse you for.

Help the government in helping you. By following what is said. By staying home.

By not being the part of chain. Instead By breaking the chain.

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