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Psychological Insecurities: Role of Collective unconsciousness!

Updated: Jan 7

Ever wondered how life would be if we weren't controlled by our insecurities!

Always living in anxiety of tomorrow, directed by if's and what if! Ever thought why are we the way we are? Why can't we just live in present and enjoy present moment, because after all this is what we have. Who has seen future??

How and what we are is pretty much outcome of our genetic unconsciousness, parenting, environment, culture and more over depends on our interpretation of things as a mature individual. Rest is our experiences and how we adapt to the external environment by changing our internal interpretation of such external inputs and thus modifying our reactions.

In day to day life, I see insecurity in people in terms of career, relationships, insecurities among parents for their children's future. We have been so used to it; used to feeling insecure and trying to make things secure all our lives that we have forgotten to live in present.

We are just trying to complete those checklist of the society, without taking some time to stop and think- where are we all heading towards? For what are we all accumulating? What is the cost of this accumulation and insecurities - "the cost is this moment, the family time, the current stage in life we are at!" We are not getting it back at any cost!

While thinking about these questions,

I found my answer in the theory of collective unconsciousness given by Carl Jung.

The existence of the collective unconscious means that individual consciousness is anything but a tabula rasa and is not immune to predetermining influences. On the contrary, it is in the highest degree influenced by inherited presuppositions, quite apart from the unavoidable influences exerted upon it by the environment. The collective unconscious comprises in itself the psychic life of our ancestors right back to the earliest beginnings.

If we go back to our ancestral history of India, India was a prosperous country. It came under rule of Britishers, in 1757 till 1947, for almost 190 years and many others ruled it for many years. For Decades and centuries we have been ruled by others. When they left India, it was in a very poor economic state. People were struggling to meet their daily needs.

190 years of slavery, must have put a huge impact on the psyche of the citizens which kept on moving from one generation to another, hence resulted into accumulation because of

the need to feel secure socially, financially and emotionally.

This became the collective unconsciousness of the free India and might have resulted into Psychological Insecurities we are seeing these days.

We need to change it with conscious effort, by starting to live in present, making each day count and giving this world the best we can while we are alive. We need to stop forcing and asking our young generation to settle for something we think is best for them.

It should be their choice, it should be their decision to choose the PATH they want to go on. After all it's going to be their journey! It's going to be their lessons!

Because Insecurities KILLS more Dreams than FAILURE ever Will.....!!

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