The Japanese says you have three faces!
The first face you show to the world!
The second face you show to your family and close friends!
The third face, you never show anyone.
It's the truest reflection of who you are!
Is the society we all are living in adding to our well-being or it's just subjugating it?
Society was formed for our good, and personally as a social being, I believe that Society is from us, for us! Instead of letting it change ourselves for a bad end result, we should change it for our own good and good of others.
As a practicing psychologist, on daily basis I come across cases where I encounter clear negative impact of society. How it is ruining and turning people into mentally unfit beings. There are people who have been effected to an extent that they are scared of taking their own decisions in life; or doing things they once loved to do and have stopped being themselves! Some of the major effects and outcomes of negative social impact are:
Indecisiveness : because of the high cultural values and expectations, people are always indecisive about their vision and plans. They are constantly struggling with if they do this will it be right! Will others approve it! People are always seeking approval for their behavior and this in turn bottles up a lot of frustration which in future results into anger, anxiety and low self-worth. To save oneself from getting into all this, learn to choose what you think is right, learn being decisive!
Low self-esteem - is a bi-product of external pressures. When a person is suffering from low self esteem thoughts like- "I must not make a mistake," "I must be perfect", I can't do it", "I am not worthy", "I am not good enough", or "Nobody Loves me" keeps them threatening on daily basis . Instead of letting this pressurize you, attitude should be "I can do it now and always"!
No out of box thinking- since birth we are taught so much about what is right and wrong that we are afraid to choose and think outside that definition of right and wrong. This kills our ability to see things differently and from a broader perspective. Want to improve this? Unlearn what you have learned.
Low goal accomplishments- Because we have been conditioned to think and act in a particular way, which interferes in our creative thinking and thus results in low goal accomplishments. Now question arises: how to concur it? The solution is start to uncondition yourself. Make your own rules.
Poor interpersonal relationships- due to our limited perception of how a relationship should be, we start to satisfy our ego by imposing our idea of an ideal relationship on other person; whether it be our sons and daughters; siblings; or our loved ones. We have to learn to keep that space which will help ourselves and the other person to breathe and choose what is important for them on their own.
Depression : when we cannot rise up from the shackles of societal pressure of how an ideal life should be; we start feeling depressed because what we really want is not going to happen due to those boundaries and barriers. And somehow it keeps killing us from within.
All we have to do is start filling the gap between that first face and third face by truly being ourselves and believing in ourselves. Because at the end all that matters is YOU!